To provide financial assistance to meritorious students from poor families to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.
The scholarships are awarded by Ministry of Education, Government of India on the basis of results of Higher Secondary / Class XII Board Examination. A maximum of 82,000 fresh scholarships per annum are provided for pursuing graduate / postgraduate degree in colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical, Engineering etc.
The total number of scholarships are divided amongst the State Education Boards based on the State’s population in the age group of 18-25 years, after segregating share of CBSE and ICSE on the basis of number of students passing out from various Boards in the country. 50% of the scholarships are earmarked for girls. Out of the total scholarship slots earmarked for UTs of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, 3% slots shall be earmarked for the students from the UT of Ladakh. The number of scholarships allotted to a State Education Board is distributed amongst pass outs of the Humanities, Science and Commerce streams in the ratio of 3:3:1. In case of shortfall in the number of applications, the scholarship slots shall be interoperable among categories (Gen, OBC, SC & ST), gender (Female, Male) and State Quota to maximize use of slots for fresh scholarships with effect from academic year 2022-23, subject to the condition that guidelines of Ministry of Finance and NITI Aayog regarding SC/ST fund allocation of the schemes are adhered to.
Students belonging to reserved categories/weaker sections /minorities etc. are eligible to get benefit of reservation on the basis of merit, subject to Central Reservation Policy [i.e. 15% seats are earmarked for SCs, 7.5% for STs and 27 % for OBCs and 5% horizontal reservation for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in all the categories]. The Central Reservation Policy will be applicable in filling the slots against each year’s target. If slots under a specific group is not filled after considering all the States/UTs, the vacant slots will be allocated to other categories so that maximum number of eligible students can get the benefit, subject to overall ceiling of slots.
The rate of scholarship is Rs.12,000/-per annum at Graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs.20,000/-per annum at Post- Graduation level. Students pursuing professional courses, in case, where the duration of course is five (5) years/Integrated course will get Rs. 20,000/-per annum in the 4th and 5th year. However, students pursuing technical courses such as B.Tech, B.Engg. will get scholarship up to graduation level only i.e. Rs. 12,000 p.a. for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year and Rs. 20,000 in the 4th year.
Note: The rate of scholarship is Rs.10,000/-per annum for first three years of fresh/ renewal scholarships with respect to academic year 2021-22, even if the actual release happens in FY 2022-23.
Students are required to have the bank accounts opened, especially, in their name for availing the benefits under the scheme. The scholarship will be disbursed directly into the savings bank accounts of the beneficiaries through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
mode. The student can track their payment status from the template “Know Your Payment” in the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) portal [ https://pfms.nic.in/Users/LoginDetails/Login.aspx] either by indicating Aadhaar number or bank account number or NSP Application ID.
College and Universities will apprise the students about the “PM-USP CSSS” during admission. Aadhaar based authentication of Institute Nodal Officer (INO)/ State Nodal Officer (SNO) is mandatory for every Institution/State before verification of the applications. INO/SNO should be a regular employee.
Adequate publicity of the scheme may be initiated through the Schools/ Colleges/ Institutions to create awareness and to facilitate/ assist the applicants in rural area to apply for scholarship online on NSP.
In case of any grievances/complaint regarding the above scheme, the same may be registered to the following link:
other than to the Nodal Officer whose email is available on NSP portal