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Admissions Open for UG and PG Programmes for the Academic Year 2025 -2026

B.Sc. Mathematics with CA


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    Duration 2 YEAR
    ELIGIBILITY: Graduation/DBA/
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    B.Sc. Mathematics with CA

    The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 2007 .it is a three year programme offered under semester pattern The programme offers an integrated curriculum comprising of essential core courses, supportive allied courses, skill oriented elective courses, inter-disciplinary elective courses, value added life oriented courses, a course on environmental studies and a course on gender studies. This curriculum is on par with those offered by reputed Universities elsewhere and hence it offers both vertical and horizontal mobility across the world to the stake holders. It is updated in a maximum period of three years based on the feedback from the teachers, students and the employersorrecruitersofourstudents.Hands on experience, in solving problem using the software packages available as in the open sources, provided to all the students. At the end of the programme the expected outcome is that a student will be able to take up a Post- Graduate programme or any industrial/public sector job that demands problem solving skill. Along with this skill in developing algorithms and computer codes or a professional course in education or a business on his own.
    Why did you select this course?

    Hands on experience, in Solving problem using the software packages available as in the open sources, provided to all the students. At the end of the programme the expected outcome is that a student will be able to take up a Post- Graduate programme or any industrial/public sector job that demands problem solving skill. Along with this skill in developing algorithms and computer codes or a professional course in education or a business on his own.


    3 YEAR


    A Pass in 10+2 with 50% of marks and Mathematics being one of the subjects

    Courses Offered

    B.Sc. MATHEMATICS(CA) (Full time)

    • To perform the raw student into multidimensional personality having professional and personal competency.

    • To maintain the role of a academic leader at the college level.

    • To grow and develop as a self sustaining unit of the college.

    • All students should

    • Become competent users of Mathematics.

    • Become familiar with basic Mathematical and Statistical thinking and modeling. University Rank Holders Students

    • The Department has produced some distinguished university ranks.


    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
    The B. Sc. Mathematics (C.A) program describe accomplishments that graduates are expected to attain within five to seven years after graduation
    PEO1Acquire knowledge in functional areas of Mathematics and apply in all the fields of learning.
    PEO2Recognise the need for lifelong learning and demonstrate the ability to explore some mathematical content independently.
    PEO3Employ mathematical ideas encompassing logical reasoning ,analytical, numerical ability , theoretical skills to model real-world problems and solve them.
    PEO4Develop critical thinking ,creative thinking, self confidence for eventual success in career.
    PEO5Analyze , interpret solutions and to enhance their Entrepreneurial skills, Managerial skills and leadership.
    PEO6To prepare the students to communicate mathematical ideas effectively and develop their ability to collaborate both intellectually and creatively in diverse contexts.
    PEO7Rewarding careers in Education, Industry, Banks, MNCs and pursue higher studies.
    Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
    After the successful completion of B. Sc. Mathematics (C.A) program, the students are expected to
    PSO1Maintain a core of mathematical and technical knowledge that is adaptable to changing technologies and provides a solid foundation for extended learning.
    PSO2Identify the applications of Mathematics in other disciplines and society.

    Develop an in-depth knowledge in Mathematics appreciating the connections between theory and its applications .
    PSO4Demonstrate their mathematical modeling ability, problem solving skills, creative talent and power of communication necessary for various kinds of employment.
    PSO5Develop mathematical aptitude and the ability to think abstractly
    PSO6Learn independently and improve ones performance.
    PSO7Students are equipped to appear competitive examinations.
    Program Outcomes (POs)
    On successful completion of the B. Sc. Mathematics (C.A) program
    PO1Students are empowered with analytical and logical skills to formulate results and construct mathematical argument.
    PO2Ability to organize, analyze and interpret data accurately in both academic and non -academic context.
    PO3Demonstrate effective communication of mathematical ideas and creative thinking skills to facilitate solving real world problems as a team and independently.
    PO4Appreciate and identify the connections between mathematics and other disciplines
    PO5Competency to obtain employment in education, public and private sectors.
    PO6Identify the area of interest for extended learning from the understanding gained from the domain and allied areas of Mathematics.
    PO7Develop mathematical aptitude, programming skills and make critical observations .
    PO8Garner innovative ideas to face global challenges.
    PO9Instill a sense of responsibility in tackling professional and social issues ethically.
    P10Trigger their passion for research in unexplored areas of Mathematics.

    For UG Semester Course Details

    Admission Procedure


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    May be submitted with all relevant enclosures to the college office either in person or sent by Registered Post

    Placement Details

    We are very much glad to inform that our Students are getting placed in a reputed companies every year. The name of the companies are listed below: